
Zen and the Art of Blog Maintenance

I finished reading Tara Frey's book over the weekend, and I am determined to be a more consistent and reliable blogger.
  • * I will post at least 3 x per week & include pictures
  • * I have set my blog to show only 10 posts
  • * I have been leaving comments for other bloggers

* I tried to make my blog clean and simple

I find the thought of contacting everyone on my sidebar links and asking for permission daunting, but I am determined to clean it up. It started as more of a convenience for me to keep track of spots to visit but likely needs some dusting and cleaning.

I took a bunch of photo's this weekend with my son's camera, he lost the cord to synch to the computer, fortunately my blackberry cord worked. I'm going to load Photoshop Elements on my laptop and try some of the techniques for digital framing Tara suggested. Usually I just scan my journal pages at work on our huge color copier as the one above. I know I can do better and make things more interesting. Hope you'll check back sometime and see if things are improving...

1 comment:

Maria Killam said...

i will put you on my blogroll if you promise to give me the answer to "why 10 posts on the blogroll?"