
New York for me today

8:00 AM Acela up

4:00 PM home again
not sure what to wear...
but I love this picture!
(it's from one of my very favorite


Oh jeez, it's been three weeks

Still struggling to get my act together...
Going to New York for the day tomorrow, get to spend all day Thursday in training for work.
Planning to drink Martini's afterwork on Friday after a frantic day of catching up with what I'll miss Wednesday and Thursday....
Saturday and Sunday really need to include some studio time for my sanity!
I hope to have some great stuff to share next week.
In the mean time this is one of my Soul Collage Committee cards called "The Ostrich"


extending my blog break

life is still in the way of creativity, really hope to be back next week...
In the meantime DC is buzzing about The Lost Symbol -here's a photo of Kryptos at Langley

taking a break

my work is in melt down -so no art, little thought- forgive me for about a week



Patterns surround us, I love to doodle them it is relaxing for me.

I need some relaxation lately...

try this at home - you might like it!


Life's Roller Coaster

I hate Labor Day weekend and have for years -but this year it seemed particularly bad...

Oh it was nice to have an extra day off work, but somehow the work emails did not stop and stressed me out further than being there.

It's the anniversary of my brother's death and I still miss him a lot.

One of my friends died and thank god one of my son's did not. The weekend was a horrible roller coaster...

I always wonder if it's bad because I associate Labor Day with bad stuff or if in my karma there is some sort of black vortex centered on this point in time.


The Baltimore Antiques Show

For the 3rd year in a row David and I went to the Baltimore Antiques at the convention center. It is huge! It's almost too much to take in, we finally made it through the entire show this year by not stopping to look at jewelry and books -sort of hard for me...
But there was a lots of cool stuff, lots of stuff not to my taste and in general a visual feast!
We did not buy anything but lunch -but they were giving away hardbound past show catalogues to I grabbed some as collage fodder.


heated car seats

I have a cute little red Z-3 convertible, the past few mornings it had been chilly when I leave for work. I love clear bright cool mornings driving with the top down and my heated seat turned on! My cheeks are chilly and my butt is toasty {grin}.
It makes the DC area traffic seem bearable!
Sometimes September can be quite hot, and I do hope we get one more last taste of summer, but I have been enjoying the preview of October and thinking of pumpkins....


practice every day

at one point in my twenties I drew fluidly -these very detailed pen and ink drawings, I used to earn a small bit of extra $ illustrating biology majors papers for them in college...and then I don't know what happened for a long time creating art was not a focus. I worked for years as a florist so I had to be creative all day and I worked with color - it was enough for me...but I lost the drawing ability.
Like playing piano you have to do it everyday, so I've been trying. I love pattern and color so one of my favorite exercises is to clip fabrics I like out of our million home decor magazines and then doodle them. Doodling sounds so much more fun and less intimidating than practicing drawing...


what speaks to you?

Color speaks to me, images from magazines speak to me, my subconscious mind speaks to me too (I am still trying to figure out what these wood doodles are...)

Blue and white china speaks to me, I love and collect it, although I think I have plenty now!

Cobalt blue glass always draws my eye too, as does the color palette in the painting photo I clipped out...

this is part of my collection...